“The key success factors that made us choose Leipzig as a location were the airport’s location near the growth markets in Eastern Europe, the reliable long-term planning thanks to the comprehensive night flight permit, the pool of highly motivated, well-trained workers, and the infrastructure with its progressive combination of transport modes: air, road and rail.
To operate our hub, we need plenty of people to get down to work with us. Career changers are just as welcome here as qualified specialists – DHL has a wide variety of jobs to choose from, and every single one offers interesting prospects in an international environment.”
Global Player
Saxony has long had a worldwide reputation for its brilliant innovative ideas, a field in which the eastern German state is lengths ahead. As well as having an unbroken tradition of innovation, Saxony easily bears comparison with other states in terms of its industry and commerce.
Saxony is extremely well established as a thriving business location. The success story began in the 18th century and continues to this day: since 1990, more than 6,000 companies have either set up business in the state or acquired a local enterprise. Since the year 2000, the Saxon economy has grown by over 30 per cent, giving Saxony the highest GDP growth rate of any federal state in the country.

Philippe Bauer
HR Director at DHL Hub Leipzig GmbH

In fact, the infrastructure is a particularly crucial factor when it comes to global business: that and Saxony’s good geographical location make it the ideal logistics location for Europe-wide distribution. The state is in the centre of Europe, and the regions around Leipzig are some of Germany’s most dynamic logistics locations.
Despite strong export figures, there is still room for growth when it comes to the number of companies making the leap into the global economy. The IOSax internationalisation campaign helps them take their first steps into international business and establish their first, important connections.
Global companies in Saxony
At the heart of Europe – there are plenty of good reasons for global companies to select Saxony as a location. Many of those reasons have already been brought up on our platform: not just the broad mix of industries, the high level of innovation and the people behind it, or the region’s spirit of scientific enquiry, but also the good work-life balance and property and rental prices – the cost of living in Saxony is among the lowest in Europe. These come hand in hand with unrivalled funding schemes for investment projects.
The international companies operating on Saxon soil include well-known giants such as Volkswagen, BMW and Porsche: it’s no coincidence that the state is known as “Autoland Sachsen”. But “car country” is not Saxony’s only nickname: as the home to Europe’s largest microelectronics location, it is also known as “Silicon Saxony”. Half of all microchips produced in Europe are made in Saxony.

Photo credits: DHL HUB Leipzig, Görlitz district